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If you find yourself in a situation that you have cheated on your partner. Not only do you have to deal with your own emotions but when the truth comes out you will have one upset individual on your hands. The first thing you may be thinking is No one else knows so I won’t tell. Not a good thought. This could work out in two ways, the first way is that the guilt would eat away at you until you owned up to it or the person who you cheated with becomes angry and wants to tell your girlfriend or boyfriend. Then you have a worse problem.
The best way to come clean is to sit down with them face to face and tell them the truth. You better think of the reason why you cheated and be prepared to tell them. People always say you told the truth it will workout. That applies most of the time but not really in this case. The truth coming out is best, that part is agreeable but the working out part maybe not so much.
Asking for forgiveness is a hard pill for the offended party to swallow. They will time to process the offense but to follow it right up with forgiveness may not help you. After you are done spilling the truth and your partner has nothing else to say and believe it , they will have something to say and you owe them the courtesy of sitting there and talking what they have to say. They will be mad and they will be upset but you have to let them vent. Some people shut down and have nothing to say they ( if they are women ) will cry.
That is your cue to say I will leave you alone. I am truly sorry I hurt you and I will call you in a couple of days an d maybe we can talk again. That is when you will ask them to forgive you, you say something along the lines of is there any chance that you will forgive me in time. Then you can see what they say.
Don’t give up right away. Understand that they will need time and they will need space from you for a bit. At this point in time you need to decide what you want because cheating again is not an option , it will mean the end of your relationship. Think about that. Then if they do give you another chance, you have to go slow and regain their trust.
It will not be easy and it will not be a quick thing. Regaining trust is hard and if that person is worth it you will work hard to make it happen. You have to give them as much space as possible, then when they are ready ease back into the relationship. Remember that relationship has changed so diving back in full force is not smart. Maybe go to dinner or a movie and take it one day at a time.